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Found 8 holiday lets and cottages in Gwent, Wales
These results include self catering holiday cottages, lodges, apartments and other accommodation in Gwent, offering comparison between holiday lets from both top providers and private owners. Use the checkboxes below to filter the results by features or read our Guide to Gwent.
| | | | http://cottageimages.staging.cottage-search.com/before_resize/2973/sc_124360561800_2973_01.jpg |
From Sykes Cottages' range of quality holiday cottages and lets in Abergavenny, Gwent - Sleeps up to 2. View details about 'Coed Y Gelli Countryside Cottage, Abergavenny, South Wales (Ref 2973)' or Read reviews.
Coed Y Gelli <br />Countryside Cottage, Abergavenny, South Wales (Ref 2973) |
Abergavenny | | http://cottageimages.staging.cottage-search.com/before_resize/5118/sc_129665711910_5118_01.jpg |
From Sykes Cottages' range of quality holiday cottages and lets in Llanddewi Skirrid, Gwent - Sleeps up to 4. View details about 'The Byre Countryside Cottage, Llanddewi Skirrid, South Wales (Ref 5118)' or Read reviews.
The Byre <br />Countryside Cottage, Llanddewi Skirrid, South Wales (Ref 5118) |
Llanddewi Skirrid
Llanddewi Skirrid | | http://cottageimages.staging.cottage-search.com/before_resize/7191/sc_130640034334_7191_04.jpg |
From Sykes Cottages' range of quality holiday cottages and lets in Llanddewi Skirrid, Gwent - Sleeps up to 5. View details about 'The Cider House Family Cottage, Llanddewi Skirrid, South Wales (Ref 7191)' or Read reviews.
The Cider House <br />Family Cottage, Llanddewi Skirrid, South Wales (Ref 7191) |
Llanddewi Skirrid
Llanddewi Skirrid | | http://cottageimages.staging.cottage-search.com/before_resize/2553/sc_123296609437_2553_05.jpg |
From Sykes Cottages' range of quality holiday cottages and lets in Gilwern, Gwent - Sleeps up to 4. View details about 'The Coach House Pet-Friendly Cottage, Gilwern, South Wales (Ref 2553)' or Read reviews.
The Coach House <br />Pet-Friendly Cottage, Gilwern, South Wales (Ref 2553) |
Gilwern | | http://cottageimages.staging.cottage-search.com/before_resize/15022/sc_13379576649195_15022_01.jpg |
From Sykes Cottages' range of quality holiday cottages and lets in Abergavenny, Gwent - Sleeps up to 6. View details about 'The Granary Family Cottage, Abergavenny, South Wales (Ref 15022)' or Read reviews.
The Granary <br />Family Cottage, Abergavenny, South Wales (Ref 15022) |
Abergavenny | | http://cottageimages.staging.cottage-search.com/before_resize/905876/sc_1396953115907_905876_01.jpg |
From Sykes Cottages' range of quality holiday cottages and lets in Gilwern, Gwent. View details about 'Riverside Barn Family Cottage, Gilwern, South Wales (Ref 905876)' or Read reviews.
Riverside Barn <br />Family Cottage, Gilwern, South Wales (Ref 905876) |
Gilwern | | http://cottageimages.staging.cottage-search.com/before_resize/3753/sc_126115500068_3753_09.jpg |
From Sykes Cottages' range of quality holiday cottages and lets in Llanddewi Skirrid, Gwent - Sleeps up to 8. View details about 'Millbrook Barn Family Cottage, Llanddewi Skirrid, South Wales (Ref 3753)' or Read reviews.
Millbrook Barn <br />Family Cottage, Llanddewi Skirrid, South Wales (Ref 3753) |
Llanddewi Skirrid
Llanddewi Skirrid | | http://cottageimages.staging.cottage-search.com/before_resize/21818/sc_13597161173919_21818_04.jpg |
From Sykes Cottages' range of quality holiday cottages and lets in Abergavenny, Gwent - Sleeps up to 15. View details about 'Brooklands Family Cottage, Abergavenny, South Wales (Ref 21818)' or Read reviews.
Brooklands <br />Family Cottage, Abergavenny, South Wales (Ref 21818) |
Abergavenny | |
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